Welcome to AcuGlobal Lifestyle Store
AcuGlobal Lifestyle is the exclusive distributor of DE MOI® by Demee Koch products in North America.
DE MOI® is a Swiss company that manufactures cruelty-free, socially relevant and ecologically friendly products made with the moral principles of fairness and honesty. It has more than two decades of combined industry experience covering everything about a beauty brand—from the science of making products to branding and making customers happy.
Everybody wants to look and feel good. DE MOI® wants clients to not only look and feel good but also to make the world a better place to live in. DE MOI® aims to be the catalyst in bringing positive change into the world by creating awareness on spending consciously on products that give back to the society while making sure that these products do not harm the animals and the environment.
DE MOI Care Made Easy
Natural Box With Different Kinds of Skin-brightening That Works Well On Dark Sport, Hair loss, Eyelashes Growth, Beauty Bath Bar, That Will Hydrate & Brighten Uneven Skin Tone While Leaving You Blissful Skin Health With Maintain Long-lasting Glow
30% OFF
Get Glow Like Moon With Our De Moi Skin Perfect Beauty Bar Shop The Sale.
DE MOI Glow Bar
An Introduction
Swiss Precision With Global Beauty Take Few Steps With DE MOI Glow Bar Make Your Skin Unique , Our DE MOI Formula Help To Bright & Revitalise Dull Skin With Adding Healthy Glow Bliss